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Domestic abuse and unhealthy relationships

Domestic abuse is defined as the abusive behaviour of a person towards another person, regardless of gender or sexuality, if both are aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other.

Watch our Hidden Harms animation here.

  • Coercive and controlling behaviour

    Coercive and controlling behaviour describes a range or pattern of behaviours that enable a perpetrator to maintain or regain control of a partner, ex-partner or family member.

  • Financial and economical abuse and control

    Economic abuse means any behaviour that has a substantial adverse effect on someone’s ability to acquire, use or maintain money or other property, or obtain goods or services.

  • Physical abuse and non-fatal strangulation

    Physical abuse is defined as any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person through bodily contact.

  • Psychological and emotional abuse

    Psychological abuse is an insidious form of abuse in which perpetrators employ a wide range of personalised, psychological tactics to manipulate and frighten a person.

  • Sexual abuse

    Sexual violence is a general term used to describe any unwanted sexual activity and includes any act by violence, coercion or manipulation, regardless of the relationship to the victim.

  • Stalking and harassment

    Stalking and harassment is a very common feature of domestic abuse. It occurs in isolation or as a component of the wider profile of abuse.

  • Those with care and support needs

    It is important to acknowledge that some of those that we support will have additional care and or support needs

  • Those who harm

    In order to make a real difference in breaking the cycle of abuse, we need to look at a holistic, whole family approach.

  • So-called honour-based abuse

    There isn't one specific crime of honour-based abuse. It can involve a range of crimes and behaviours, including Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation.


    MARACs are multi agency risk assessment conferences that are held across Torbay and Devon.

  • Abuse: If you're unsure

    If you think you are experiencing or are concerned about someone who may be experiencing domestic abuse or violence and you are unsure about what to do next, you can find further information here.

  • Training and resources

    Additional resources and further information about training opportunities for professionals.

With thanks to the Torbay and Devon domestic abuse charities who collaborated with TDSAP to provide the above information on domestic abuse and sexual violence as part of our commitment to raise awareness and provide appropriate information on how to access support.

FearFree logo

North Devon Against Domestic Abuse logo

Sanctuary Support Living and Torbay Domestic Abuse Service joint logo




