Training and resources
Safeguarding Adults Training is available for anyone who works or comes into contact with adults at risk of abuse.
Safer recruitment and employment – Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions. They help to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children.
Making Safeguarding Personal
Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is an initiative which aims to develop an 'outcome focus' to safeguarding work and a range of responses to support people to improve or resolve their circumstances.
The Care Act (2014)
The Care Act (2014) sets out the statutory requirement for local authority social services, health, police and other agencies to both develop and assess the effectiveness of their local safeguarding arrangements.
Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act (MCA) (2005) protects those who lack capacity and empowers them to make decisions for themselves wherever possible. It applies to people over the age of 16.
Policy and guidance
Policies, guidance and resources to support practitioners in their safeguarding role, including information from the police and Devon County Council as well as multi-agency guidance.
The Safeguarding Adults Training will support staff to be competent in roles equivalent to those described within the Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff Intercollegiate Document (September 2024).
The Mental Capacity Act Training will support staff to be competent in roles equivalent to those described within the Bournemouth National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework.
Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership charging information
For information on training within the Torbay Local Authority boundary please contact the training team at the Horizon Centre on 01803 656600.
For information on training within the boundary of Devon County Council please see the information below:
Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership cover the cost of training for private, voluntary, and independent sector organisations delivering direct care and support services to adults with care and support needs living within the geographical boundary of Devon County Council.
Private, voluntary, and independent sector organisations who do not meet these requirements can access the training however they would incur a charge per place basis.
Multi-agency training at Level 4 is available for staff who will be responsible for leading enquiries (specialist roles or named professionals). Specialist roles are classed as Team Managers for Level 4 A, and Community Service Managers for Level 4 B or above within DCC and those at Band 7 or above in Health. Staff who do not meet these requirements will not be able to access this training.
Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership cancellation policy
Where a person needs to cancel their place on a training course this may be done verbally but must be followed up in writing via email to confirming the date and location of the training course to be cancelled.
In the event of cancellation in writing of less than the 21 calendar days’ notice from the training delivery date, the full cancellation cost per place basis incurred by TDSAP is due. Even if the training is fully funded by TDSAP, we still reserve the right to charge as non-attendance prevents someone else from attending.
No cancellation charge will be applied in the event of cancellation in writing of 22 calendar days’ notice or more from the training delivery date.
Level 1: Awareness of Safeguarding Adults
Level 1: Awareness of Mental Capacity Act
Level 1 Domestic Abuse Awareness
Level 2 Domestic Abuse Awareness
The above are now available via E-Learning.
If you have a Devon County Council email address, you can create an account and access the E-Learning via DEL.
If you do not have a DCC email address, please email for them to set up an account for you. You will need to include your full name, job title, full working address including postcode, email address and contact number in this email.
Level 4 (Part B): Leading Whole Service Safeguarding Adult Enquiries – Virtual Training
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Level 4 (Part A): Leading Individual Safeguarding Adult Enquiries – Virtual Training
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Report your concern
If an adult is in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the police.
If you are reporting concerns because you suspect that a vulnerable adult is being abused, or you are being abused yourself, please visit Report your concern.