This website includes information on safeguarding adults at risk from abuse, and the work of the Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership. Our aim is to help everyone to understand the part they play in protecting adults and ensuring even the most vulnerable are kept safe and well. If you report a concern you will be listened to, supported and involved every step of the way.
Understanding adult abuse
Abuse is an intentional or unintentional act that harms, hurts or exploits another individual/s.
What is exploitation?
Exploitation is the deliberate manipulation or abuse of power used to have control over another person, usually for some form of gain. This can be for a range of reasons including personal, financial or sexual.
Health and wellbeing
Good physical and emotional health is key to living a fulfilled life. When someone is struggling to cope, either physically or mentally, it can lead to more serious issues and have a negative impact on their life.
Who could be at risk?
It is one of the responsibilities of the Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership to make sure that health and social care agencies prioritise the wellbeing of all individuals living in Devon. This applies to everyone not only those people with care and support needs who are already engaged with health and social care services.
Help and support
It is important that people know how to find help if they are at risk themselves, or concerned about someone else. It is equally as important that people know how to find support should they want to prevent a problem in the future.
Latest news
Understanding Modern Slavery – Academy seminar
Thursday, 30th January, 2025, from 16.00 to 17.15 via Microsoft Teams featuring Andrew Smith MA, FHEA Manager, The Justice Hub | Coordinator, Humber Modern Slavery Partnership | Lead for Knowledge
Domestic abuse in later life discussion
Join us for an insightful and important discussion on domestic abuse affecting older adults. This event aims to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by seniors in abusive situations,
World Compassion Day 28th November 2024 – Trauma Awareness Event (Online)
Welcome to our Trauma Awareness Event! Join us online for some insightful sessions, focused on increasing awareness of trauma & it’s effects. Whether you have lived experience personal and/or professional,
Forced marriage of adults with learning disabilities – Practice Guidance
This article summarises a Community Care information guide on forced marriage of adults with learning disabilities. The full guide covers the law on forced marriage, how to spot warning signs, case examples, safeguarding, consequences for the spouse and much more.
Launch of Level 1 Adult Safeguarding and Level 1 Mental Capacity Act E-Learning
DSAB has launched a new E-Learning package for Level 1 Adult Safeguarding and Level 1 Mental Capacity Act
Launch of online toolkit to help tackle exploitation
The Safer Devon Partnership, Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership and Devon Safeguarding Adults Board have launched an online toolkit to tackle the threat of exploitation. This toolkit will help frontline colleagues learn about, identify and report exploitation happening in Devon and the surrounding area.