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What is MARAC? Marac’s are multi agency risk assessment conferences that are held across Devon.

The purpose of these meetings is to get key agencies together that can help to safeguard families who are at a high risk of harm from abuse.

In order to be eligible to be heard in this meeting a family will need to be considered at a high risk of harm (a score of over 14) on the DASH risk assessment, a professional judges them to be at a high risk of harm for a specific reason e.g.- firearms, extenuating circumstances that increase their risk, or something significant that they have disclosed or there must be escalating risk with 3 or more incidents that the police are involved in.

This is not a meeting that the client attends, it will be attended by the referrer to introduce the case and is chaired by the police. Other agencies, such as children’s social care, adult social care, domestic abuse services, housing, health, mental health and numerous other appropriate services.

The aim of the meeting is to discuss the case in depth and set actions that could make the situation safer for the family and open up the available choices for these families’ once the risk has been identified.

For further information, please see:

What is a Marac? – SafeLives

MARAC – Are you OK?

Information for professionals – Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse (

To refer a case to a Torbay Marac, please follow this guidance:

MARAC – Are you OK?

To refer a case to a Devon Marac, please follow this guidance:

MARAC – Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse (

The contact details for the various MARAC’s are:

East and Mid Devon: 01392 281531,

Exeter: 01392 281531,

North Devon and Torridge: 01271 335380,

South Devon Rural (South Hams, Teignbridge, West Devon): 01803 218766,

