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Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership January 2020 Newsletter

DSAP Newsletter – Jan 2020


Change of Name:

The Devon Safeguarding Adults Board agreed that the formal name be changed to the Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership (DSAP) as ‘Partnership’ better reflects the collective name for those individuals and organisations who work together to safeguard adults across Devon. Our new logo, as seen on our website, demonstrates this change:


Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs):

At the December DSAP meeting, SAR action plans were discussed and progressed. Throughout this past year 4 SARs have been published. To read these reviews, please follow this link:

Additionally, a leaflet explaining Safeguarding Adults Reviews to families has been produced and will be distributed to all families of those people where a SAR is being commissioned. This leaflet is available on our website under the Safeguarding Adult Reviews section. Please follow the link above to view the leaflet.


DSAP Structure:

A potential re-structure of the DSAP and partnership governance structures is being considered.  Models in discussion include merging with other Safeguarding Adults Boards in the area or with other Strategic Partners.

Thinking is at a very early stage and an appraisal of all potential options is currently being worked on. All partners on the DSAP Board will be asked for their views in order to help arrive at a preferred option. Further information will follow in future newsletters.


Quarterly Theme- Self-Neglect:

We held a Self-Neglect Workshop towards the end of 2019. This event was delivered to many cross- system partners and was led by Professor Suzy Braye, Emerita Professor of Social Work, University of Sussex.


Self-neglect is an important issue often identified within cases referred to the high-risk Creative Solutions Forum that is currently working in its exploratory phase within Exeter.  The DSAP December meeting highlighted the distinction between hoarding and cluttering and importance of commissioning specialist services to work with people to enable them to declutter and how this might be a more effective way of supporting changes in behaviours.  This was also referred to in the presentation given by Professor Suzy Braye.


The Partnership is currently developing a DSAP self-neglect policy.


At the Board meeting, partners shared the work they are undertaking within their own organisations in identifying challenges they are experiencing in terms of self-neglect and how this links to the DSAP priorities.


It was agreed that one leaflet for all agencies, with individual agency logos, will be co-produced, agreed and then used by all. Once this is produced it will also be available on the DSAP website.


Sexual Violence & Domestic Violence and Abuse (SVDVA) Strategy:

This strategy is everyone’s business and focusses on helping professionals to recognise signs of SVDVA and aims for prevention and early intervention for employees and members of the community. The alignment of Boards and strategic priorities would fit with SVDVA.


Safeguarding Peer Challenge:

A Safeguarding Peer Challenge for all Devon partners will take place in March 2020.  Further information can be found at


Moving on:

DSAP thank Chief Supt Keith Perkin upon his retirement from Devon and Cornwall Police. Keith has contributed significantly to the partnership and its work. DSAP reflected on Keith’s effectiveness at building relationships across the public sector which has had a positive impact on effective service delivery.


