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Strategic Business Plan 2025-2027


The Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership (TDSAP) acts as the key mechanism for agreeing how partner organisations work together to safeguard and promote the safety and wellbeing of adults at risk and/or in vulnerable situations. We do this by co-ordinating what each of the TDSAP partners does and we make sure that what they deliver is effective and meets national  standards.

To do this we  aim to promote professional curiosity amongst our staff and awareness/understanding of abuse and neglect among the public, carers, professionals, care providers and the wider community.

“The TDSAP collective vision is for us to work in partnership to enable the people of Torbay and Devon to live free from abuse and neglect, and to promote the message that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility.”

Under the Care Act 2014, the TDSAP must develop and publish a strategic plan that clearly sets out how it plans to achieve all its statutory objectives. This plan is the culmination of work that has been undertaken by all the partners to review performance data and the evidence from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SAR’s) to jointly identify the priorities that will make a difference to the lives of people in our communities.  In addressing these priorities, we  will seek assurance that all operational practice is trauma informed.

The work of partnership is not exclusive to these priorities: flexibility is a key characteristic of the TDSAP, and priority will also be afforded to urgent themes and risks that present themselves throughout the next 3 years.

Each year, the TDSAP will publish an annual report on how the strategic priorities have been achieved and how partner organisations have contributed to them.

Strategic Priority 1 – Seek assurance from partners in relation to practice improvements in key risk areas

  • Working in conjunction with Children’s Safeguarding Partnership, develop a protocol that  focuses on delivering service improvements for those moving from childhood into adulthood.
  • Assurance from all partners in relation to their role in delivering a co-ordinated and person led safeguarding journey between services.
  • Embedded the learning from the Thematic SAR on Self-Neglect.
  • Learning from partner audits and national reviews is widely shared across the system with partners providing evidential assurance of implementation.
  • Partners can evidence continual improvement in relation to application of the Mental Capacity Act and Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP).
  • Improved guidance and tools for use by operational staff across the system.
  • The voice of the person has influenced our work to improve practice.

Strategic Priority 2 – Seek assurance from partners that learning from SARs is embedded into practice

  • Partners will continue to contribute to the SAR process and play a key role to identify the relevant learning.
  • SAR learning will be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound with key success criteria in place.
  • Partners will provide strong evidence to assure the TDSAP that sustained improvements have been embedded from SAR recommendations.
  • Develop swift and dynamic processes for delivery of Safeguarding Adult Reviews.
  • Regular quality assurance and monitoring of SAR themes and learning to ensure positive impact on operational practice.

Strategic Priority 3 – Improve awareness, engagement and inclusion

  • An effective Communications Strategy in place, agreed by all TDSAP Partners.
  • Assurances received from partners that they are involving and listening to people about their experience of safeguarding.
  • Assurances received from partners in relation to ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ to ensure that safeguarding is person-led and outcome-focussed.
  • Awareness of safeguarding will be improved within diverse community groups and with ethnic minoritized people.
  • Improved awareness amongst professionals and across organisations of the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • A continued investment and engagement with community groups to ensure that co-production and co-design is central to continual improvement.
  • Published safeguarding material will be available in an accessible format with easy read versions and a range of languages available.

How will we monitor and ensure delivery

  • The TDSAP Business Activity Plan monitors and reviews the development, progression and delivery of the actions that support these Strategic Priorities
  • The Operational Delivery Group holds the Business Activity Plan and reports on progress to each TDSAP Board meeting
  • We will regularly monitor and assess the safeguarding data and performance to inform future thinking and direction of travel
  • A yearly Annual Report is produced that describes the activity in relation to each priority


Last Updated
