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Postponement of Face-To-Face Training

As you may be aware, the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has led to us experiencing extraordinary times across the UK and the world. In light of the exceptional circumstances and rapidly changing situation, a decision has been made to postpone all face to face training we provide with effect from 23rd March 2020 until 30th June 2020. This a precaution informed by the advice received from the Government and Devon County Council. This will be reviewed again in early June to see what the situation is at that time.

All delegates that were booked to attend the training courses during the period have been sent an email informing them of the decision to postpone training. We are in the process of re-scheduling the cancelled courses to be run in September and October 2020. Once the dates and venues have been confirmed they will be advertised on the Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership website.


We continue to offer the following E-learning courses:

Level 1: Awareness of Mental Capacity Act
Level 1: Awareness of Safeguarding Adults E-Learning


If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us via the following mailbox:-
