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Self-Neglect Awareness Week 8-12th July 2024

The North Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (NSSAB) is pleased to present Self-Neglect Awareness Week 8-12th July. Each session will run daily on Teams between 12-1pm, with all professionals living and/or working in the southwest welcome to attend. The NSSAB provides support, guidance, and intervention services for the safeguarding of adults in North Somerset. Self-Neglect Awareness Week aims to raise the visibility of self-neglect in North Somerset, through multiple professional lenses and voices of lived experience.

Our first session will be lead by Teresa Bell (NSSAB Independent Chair) and Professor Michael Preston-Shoot (Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of Bedfordshire). Michael was the Independent Reviewer of a SAR in the form of a thematic review focussed on the issue of self-neglect for North Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board, which was published in March 2023. The review looked at the circumstances of three people, Stan, Charlotte and Philip (pseudonymised) and highlighted twelve recommendations for NSSAB partners. Michael’s review provided the foundation of a range of actions to improve local responses to self-neglect and was the inspiration for this Self-Neglect Awareness Week. This session promises to be a thought provoking and person-centred discussion.

Booking available now for all sessions via:
