When somebody reports a concern that an adult is at risk of abuse or neglect it is recorded as a safeguarding adults concern.
If the adult is at risk of immediate or serious harm, action will be taken straight away to make sure they are safe.
The following guidance will help you decide if someone is at risk of immediate or serious harm:
- There is an identifiable and immediate risk to life (due to violence, injury, illness or self-harm).
- Someone is suffering, or is at risk of suffering, immediate and significant harm (due to violence, injury, illness or self-harm).
We will gather and record information to help decide whether a safeguarding adults enquiry is needed or whether other actions should be taken. Wherever possible we will contact the person who experienced or witnessed the incident or has seen evidence of possible abuse or neglect.
The action taken will depend on the wishes of the adult at risk and the seriousness of the situation. If the adult at risk has substantial difficulty in being involved in the safeguarding process, an appropriate person who can represent them or an independent advocate will be involved to make sure their views and wishes are taken into account.
If the adult at risk does not have the mental capacity to make an informed choice about how to stay safe, they will be carefully supported and protected.
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