You may wish to consider the following guidance before you report a concern.
This should not stop you from reporting your concern, but will help you to provide us with as much useful information as possible:
- Does the person at risk have care and support needs? If so, does this mean they are unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect?
- Have you informed them that you are thinking about reporting a safeguarding concern?
- Does the person have the mental capacity to understand the safeguarding concerns, and have they given their valid and informed consent? or
- They do not have the mental capacity to consent to this referral, but it is being made in their best interest? or
- The person has the mental capacity but has not consented, but there is significant risk to life and limb or wider public interest?
- If it is safe to do so, have you talked to the person about what has happened to them? If so, have you asked them what is important to them and what they want to happen?
- Are there any other adults or children at risk in the situation?
Find out more about what you can expect when you report a concern and what will happen next.
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